Thursday, September 15, 2005

A Detailed Summary about "Silent Way"

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I have tried a lot. During my school time and now at university, involving myself in what I was or I am learning. I have tried a lot discovering things myself by focusing on the subject, by the help of my hidden awareness. And after all I came to my own conclusions. I really liked this kind of involvement. This way made my-self-invented rules to house in mind and then be recalled whenever it was necessary. Let me give you an example: Last month after having problem with adjectives and then coming in touch with myself I made a new definition about adjectives in English which is very unique and complete. You, yes you as the reader might be agree with me. For you, your own ways of thinking, rules and tenets will work much better than any other rules which had been explained or given by others.

Dr. Caleb Gattegno was brilliant enough to use this "discovering learning" process in his approach to teaching. By "Silent Way", late Gattegno taught Spanish, Hindi, Arabic, algebra and etc. Without uttering a single word. (My gosh, just try to imagine) This is why this approach: the "Silent Way" is called so. Teacher is silent during teaching and learning process. The teacher and the atmosphere invented by him will make students to gather their attention and use their inner criteria plus self-awareness to correct themselves. I like to mention that babies while acquiring their mother language do not have this useful ability.

The basis of this approach: First students try to discover things themselves. Second, the activities are problem solving ones. And finally teacher uses some objects to transfer meaning without any translation. These objects include some colorful rods in different sizes in addition of sound, word and picture charts of different colors.
To be an independent, autonomous and inventive learner are the +results of SW.

Now I guess you enjoyed knowing about Silent Way, the invention of which is actually considered to be a revolution in teaching languages. If a question came to your mind be patient. In the next parts I will talk about every aspect of Silent Way in detail. From now on try to keep in teach with yourself and think of your self awareness. "Awareness is educable in man."